Report from the 17th World Computer Chess Championship and the 14th Computer Olympiad in Pamplona
I will start this report by giving a short introduction to our team and the tournament, so that you can get an idea how many people were contributing to Rybka's success. Then the highlight of this report is following, Hans' diary from Pamplona with a lot of pictures and videos. You can click on most of the pictures to see a larger version.
So let's introduce our team:
Of course Rybka is improving constantly, as Vasik Rajlich is working on the engine full time. So the Rybka version used in Pamplona was a private development version. The main difference to Rybka 3 was (besides improved playing strength) the cluster support, i.e. Rybka could use a network of computers. It's not clear yet when a cluster version of Rybka will be made public, but it works quite well as you may have seen already in the games from Beijing.
 Vasik Rajlich |
Hardware & Testing
This year's World Computer Chess Championship was held together with the 14th Computer Olympiad.
Prior to the World Championship, there was quite some discussion about a change of the rules, which first limited the hardware to one computer with maximum 8 logical cores and was later modified to allow small clusters with max. 8 cores and allowing hyperthreading (obviously without informing our hardware guru Lukas Cimiotti, who bought a rather expensive Intel Xeon W5580, but would have used a cluster of two quads if he would have known the modified rule changes).
 Lukas Cimiotti |
| |
 Lukas' computer for the World Championship |
At the Olympiad there was no hardware limit, so Luka's cluster, consisting of 2x W5580 (12 GB RAM), Skulltrail 4 GHz (8GB RAM), Skulltrail 3.8 GHZ (8 GB RAM), Harpertown 2x X5460 3.8 GHz (8 GB RAM) and 5x Core i7-920 (6 GB RAM, clockspeed 4 GHz - 4.25 GHz) was used.
 Lukas' cluster |
 Don't worry about a blackout |
We had various problems getting everything to work, so in addition to his hardware and tuning work Lukas also contributed a lot of testing and debugging help. This clustering project would probably never have been started without Lukas, and it certainly wouldn't have come as far along as it has.
We finally got everything working on Tuesday morning before the tournament, and for now have only preliminary performance figures. The cluster won a match against a Nehalem Quad (i7-920) running the latest Rybka version with a score of +37 =25 -2 (+213 Elo). I suspect that with more games this Elo gap will be slightly lower.
Lukas is a regular in the Playchess engine room (handles: Rechenschieber, Victor_Kullberg) and will probably run his cluster there on occasion.
Of course this means that the highest level chess was played at the Olympiad, but since everyone wants the more prestigous World Champion title, there were just 6 participants at the Olympiad and 10 at the World Championship.
Opening book
Nick Carlin handled our opening book, taking advantage of Jeroen Noomen's Rybka 3 Aquarium opening book, and did really well. All of our book positions were equal or better, and all were complex and offered plenty of winning chances.
Nick is from the new breed of computer chess opening authors, who rely on systematic, automated methods and on statistical analysis. He uses all of the available resources, from Jeroen's work to Playchess games to Aquarium editing tools to Polyglot. For this event, he made algorithmic innovations in the area of sharpening the book exit points - his aim was to drop Rybka off into rich positions with plenty of winning chances, and to prevent opposing authors from doing the opposite. Judging by the games, these methods work quite well.
Unfortunately, Nick has decided to take an extended break from computer chess after these events, as the time required to stay on top of everything is just too high for him. Jeroen is also still taking a break after his last book release and has started to apply his skills to the stock market - hopefully he will soon be rich and will then return to what is best in life :) . All of this should underline just how much work is involved in the book preparation. The responsibility is high, as one mistake can spoil an entire event and wipe out the work of everyone on the team. Modern opening theory is simply a huge load and we will have to think about how to handle it.
 Nick Carlin |
 Jeroen Noomen |
Hans van der Zijden was our on-site representative and operator and won the blitz tournament, where operator skill is important. His workload was heavier than usual, as there were three tournaments this time instead of the usual two.
 Hans van der Zijden |
Networking Tools
Victor Zakharov and his team from Convekta (ChessOK) let us use internal versions of several unreleased tools which they have developed. They were also extremely responsive to feature requests. The most important of these tools was a remote engine server & client networking tool, which we used for intra-cluster communication as well as to host our playing engines. This tool has a number of nice features, one being automatic smooth reconnection capability.
 Some of the ChessOK guys (Victor in the center) |
Hans' Diary from Pamplona
A tournament is much more than just playing games, so Hans wrote a diary and took pictures so that you get an impression how his trip to Pamplona was like:
Saturday 9th:
Had to get up at 6:00. Not easy, because this is normally the time that I go to bed. I can't fall asleep early, so I needed a couple of Red Bulls the next day. stepping into the car I ripped my pants. Hope that is not a bad omen. Luckily I had a spare in my suitcase and I changed in the car. I don't know why you have to be at the airport 2 hours in advance. It took only 10 minutes to check in and pass customs. First stop London Stansted where I agreed to meet Hiarcs operator Harvey. Also Rybka moderator Soren Riis traveled with us. We found out we shared many interests, so we had lots to talk about. Since there is no direct flight with Easyjet to Pamplona, we flew to Bilbao and rented a car. From there it was still 150 km. When we finally arrived at the hotel, we wanted to eat in the hotel restaurant, but it was only opened from monday till thursday. Luckily there was a nearby mall with lots of restaurants. For those of you who read my Beijing Diary, this time we found a restaurant that served steak and fries already on the first day.
Sunday 10th:
Got up late and the breakfastroom had many beautiful women eating there. We had lots of free time. The tournamenthall was supposed to be open early for testing, but since most competitors would arrive today, testing was only from 16:00 till 20:00. I chose to stay inside and listen to sports comments on the radio. It was the last day of the dutch first league. Right after that we drove to the venue, which was not so easy to find. There is no parking nearby, so we had to walk 500 meters. When we finally found the building, the only entrance was locked. And there was no bell. After we met some other competitors who assured us this was the right building, we decided to bang on the doors. This helped. After 2 hours of testing we drove back. The lights for the pedestrian are funny. You see a green man walking and above in orange the time till red comes on. The last 5 seconds the green man starts to run. It took us a while because Harvey's navigation kept saying we had to go left, but that was forbidden at all intersections. 3 miles further we found out that you had to go a little bit right first an then turn left. At the mall we tried a different restaurant. This time accompanied by Richard Pijl (the Baron) and Johan de Koning (Amazons), who also stayed in our hotel. After the meal we went to bed early, because we had to get up at 7:30.
 The venue |

 Balloons at the venue |
 Amir Ban (Junior) |
 Information about the building |
 Strange place for a well |
Monday 11th:
Jeroen Noomen wanted me to take some pictures of the beautiful women in the breakfastroom, but all we saw now were 4 elderly ladies. So either the beautiful women left, or they get up late. The 5 of us stuffed ourselves in Richard's car. Johan, who is the smallest sat in the front because he reserved that seat for the whole tournament. Luckily it is only a 15 minute drive. The players meeting at 9:00 lasted only 30 minutes. No big problems. One of the issues was what to do with cheaters. Some of the suggestions: put them in the dungeons underneath the building, buy and serve coffee for the rest (not available in the building) or run in front of the bulls. Then we had the official opening with a few short speeches. Round 1 would start by the mayor making the first move in the Rybka - Deep Sjeng game. She had to play 1.d2-d4 several times to please all the photographers, so Johan (operating for Sjeng) claimed a draw by 3-fold repetition. After a few moves the internet connection was lost. It took the hardwarespecialists 30 minutes to find out that everything inside worked ok, but that the whole area lost connection. By that time most of us had switched to wireless already which seemed to work fine. We played 2 rounds this day and they can last up till 5 hours. We started at 12:00 and we had to leave the building at 22:00, so there was hardly any time left to go out and search for food (also not available in the building). What do the organizers think; computers don't need food or drinks? David Levy was kind enough to order some pizza's for us, which we were not allowed to eat in the tournamenthall. So in case you were wondering why no computer made moves for a while, it is because we had a pizzabreak. After an interesting win in the first round, Rybka had to play Joker. Joker plays on a Quad, but uses only one processor. Which was good because operator Harm Geert Muller had to play in the chinese chess tournament as well. He managed to play 2 games, both boards on one screen, without playing a chinese chess move on my board. But still Rybka won quite convincingly. Around 21:00 everyone of us was ready and we drove back to the hotel. We walked to the mall to try out restaurant number 3 and were caught in the rain and thunder. It is good we had Richard there. With his 10ft6 there is not much chance to be struck by lightning. Food was good and cheap. Way too late I went to bed for another solid 6 hours.
 Gathering for opening ceremony |
 Still waiting |
 Getting closer now |
 Even press is ready |
 Don't worry, only two of them speak |
 Jaap speaking |
 Bet you didn't expect her |
 She is the mayor of Pamplona |
 Doing the first move for Rybka |
 And again |
 And 3-fold repetition |
 The second first move |
 Harm playing two games on one screen |
Tuesday 12th:
The day started with a warning from tournament director Jaap van den Herik. The local newspaper wanted an article about the tournament, but the editor refused to put the pictures in his newspaper because there were drinking glasses and bags everywhere and that was a disgrace to the beautiful historical building that we are playing in. I think it is a disgrace they don't serve food and drinks to the operators. And don't they have photoshop in Spain? In between rounds, four of us went to eat in a bar/restaurant just around the corner. We wanted some sandwiches. "ah, bocadillos", the waiter said. On the menu it said sandwiches and bocadillos, so that was a bit confusing. Harvey and Richard ordered a sandwich and I took the gamble of ordering a bocadillo. I made the right choise. Mine was much bigger. The sandwiches looked more like a burger. Because it was sorens last day, he decided to eat in the restaurant section. I met him there when I was ready and he showed me some very cool magic tricks. I am not allowed to explain them to anyone. I now belong to the secret circle. Around 22:00 we ate in restaurant 1 again. Ate far too much. These tournaments are very bad for your health. In the hotel I said goodbye to Soren. The poor guy has to get up at 5:30 to catch a bus to the airport. Couldn't stay any longer. I went to bed straight after that. Didn't even write in my diary. So I hope I didn't forget to mention things.
 Article on round 1 |
Wednesday 13th:
After 7 hours of sleep and 1 red bull, I was still tired. And an important day ahead of me. Five rounds in the open tournament with the latest Rybka on 48 cores. This time it was only Richard and I who drove to the venue. Harvey was not participating in the open tournament and decided to go for a ride with Amir and his girlfriend. Johan wanted to attend a conference, but made an operator error, that resulted in his alarmclock waking him up too late. Apparently some of us had a good time till 3 in the morning. The tournament was an incredible succes for Rybka. In an average of 48 moves per game (2 of them till mate), Rybka crushed her opponents. Especially the game against Shredder. At move 15 both programs had a draw score and wanted to repeat the position. While Shredder is thinking, Rybka finds another 0.00 move and later plays it. The next 4 moves by Shredder were all expected and the score is +1.72. Eight moves later Stefan resigns, not knowing where the hell it went wrong. I had another Bocadillo atun, which I could secretly eat during my game against Equinox. From the rear I was covered by Richard's big back and the front was covered by the Equinox team, who made themselves a little bigger whenever I took a bite. Richard gained a fan. An USB-fan that is. He was the only cool guy at the venue. During the tournament Harvey informed us on his whereabouts. The three of them ate in a 3 star restaurant. The bill was 600 euro. Harvey asked if I could collect some money, because they were poor now. I sms'ed back that I went round and got 2 halfeaten sandwiches, 3 cents and 45 haha's. Later he informed me that he found a topless beach. I guess that beats playing in a hot tournamenthall. Although, had Harvey played, he would not have lost so much as he did now in the restaurant. I asked him if he could take some pictures on the beach for us poor operators, but he was too much of a gentleman. Besides, the girls were not that pretty. Later all 4 of us met in the hotel and ordered dinner in a new mallrestaurant that just opened. After choosing from the menu I quickly went to a store to buy new pants. Believe it or not, but also my 2nd pants had ventilation holes all of a sudden. Not so bad with all that hot weather, but it doesn't look very nice. When I got back they told me they really missed my understanding of the spanish language. They couldn't understand the waiter, but they thought something was for free. Johan finally ordered fish that he longed for all these days. But he couldn't finish it. His stomach wasn't trained in the art of overeating like mine was. When we asked for the bill, the waiter gestured no. So they were right. The whole meal was free because of the grand opening. I wish I had ordered a dessert as well. And why wasn't there a clothingshop that had a grand opening?
 The famous 3 star bill |
Thursday 14th:
Richard's program The Baron is paired in the 5th round against Rybka, so we practised a little during breakfast sitting opposite of eachother. Our game was first to finish, so I decided to buy a sandwich and walk a little. It's a pity that whenever we have a break, most shops are closed for Siësta. But there is no sleeping for us. Jaap, who read my diary from Beijing, thought I was the right guy to write about the open tournament. My rating is only 1874 and he wants me to write about chessprograms exceeding 3000 elo. I hope he doesn't expect a full analysis of each game. Before the speedchesstournament starts, we have a playersmeeting. Equinox doesn't participate. A couple of times in the main tournament, 2 hours was not enough for them. Also one guy did the move and the other pushed the clock. We let them get away with it, because the program is not very strong, but in speedchess weak programs can win on the clock. To make it 10 again a spanish program (Danasah) offered to play. We have to discuss if he has to pay. He says he can't afford the entree fee. No one objects. First round against Jonny and near the end of the game it finally dawns on me why I had a bad feeling about setting the time to 2 minutes for the whole game. I had the same situation as in Beijing. Because of the delay in internet, Rybka loses too much time on the internal clock. Didn't notice if the clock already said 0 seconds left, but Rybka played Bb2xd4, Jonny takes back Nxd4 and Rybka takes again on d4. "Xb2xd4" the screen says. I take back and let it calculate again. This time it shows a normal move, but because time left is 0, Rybka doesn't play anymore. After some struggling, time on the real clock is running out and I have to resign in a clearly won position. I remembered now the right level: 100 moves in 3 minutes. After that there is no stopping Rybka, although the spanish program surprised with a +0.48 after the opening. After round 3 Junior operator Amir Ban had 3 defeats and decides to withdraw from the tournament. He is not very fast and keeps losing on time due to a bad mouse or something similar. We are contemplating for a while to remove the spanish program to make it even again. Last round to come and Shredder and Rybka are both leading with 6 out of 7. Shredder is held to a draw by Hiarcs and Rybka outplays Sjeng in the endgame. It almost goes wrong in the end when Rybka threatens to promote for the third time. No more queens left on the table. But Sjeng is losing on time just before that. On the way back to the hotel, I drink some lemonjuice, to try to get my face as sour as the other guys in the car. Again we have luck in a restaurant. After paying we get a coupon each, saying next time get two meals for the price of one. Which is only fair come to think of it. There was more fat on my steak than meat.
Friday 15th:
Excursion day. We all found the bus in time, which was a miracle. Let me take you back 8 hours. It will give you a rough idea how difficult being an operator is. After dinner I left the other guys in a bar to do some work on the computer. At 1 o'clock in the night I was still writing in my diary. But I was so tired I decided to lay down for a while. A couple of hours later I woke up and was fresh enough to finish. At 4 a.m. an msn window popped up. Harvey comes online. "My God", I type, "how drunk are you?" But still he (and the other 2) managed to crawl out of bed at 8:00. First busstop Eunate. It is a mysterie our travelguide says. It is a churchlike building with 8 cores, eh corners and some scary faces. Inside they found a number of people buried. The mysterie was that the building was in the middle of nowhere. I thought the mysterie was why we stopped here in the first place. When we got back in the bus I told the guide I would have the mysterie solved by the end of the afternoon. But I didn't have to wait that long. Put 42 intelligent people in a bus and I solve it in 2 minutes. It was a cemetery for important people. You don't want to disturb the dead, so you put them in the middle of nowhere and the scary faces were there to keep the evil spirits out. Next stop Puente la Reina, where two pilgrimroads to Santiago di Compostella come together. These pilgrims all look alike. They all have one or two walkingsticks and none of them smile. No wonder with still 700 km to walk. Our guide explained that this way they are recognized as pilgrims and they have certain privileges, like sleeping in a church when they have no money. So our next stay in Spain could be even cheaper. We just sleep in churches around the venue. Do churches have wireless internet? Next stop Estella. This was by far the highlight of the excursion. We visited a church, a square where we could shop for 30 minutes, a beautiful chaotic castle and later we had a lunch that looked more like dinner. Next stop Pamplona, where we had a long walk and visited the old city, the Citadel and 3 more churches (which not all of us entered). Also the guide explained a lot about the bullfights and the run of the bulls, which was interesting but I still wouldn't want to see it. On our way to a restaurant the guide stopped at a building and asked if we knew what kind of building it was. "A prison", I guessed correctly. "And do you know why it is near the center and not outside the city?", she asked. "Because when they built it, it was outside the city", I guessed right again. I furthermore guessed that she hated me by now. Still not hungry we entered the restaurant for dinner, that luckily looked more like lunch. All in all a very good excursion with a very good guide. And guess what I did when I was back in my hotelroom, besides writing this. More testing. But I got 5 solid hours of sleep.
 Our tourguide with a funny face |

 Harvey and Johan forgot their coat |
 Oh my God, they killed Kermit, you bastards |
 Pelgrims |
 Johan and Harvey drinking again |
 Bridge at Puente la Reina |
 I like ruins |

 Putas, really |
 Here is a picture of one |
 You are standing here |
 Strange building technique |
 A beautiful castle |
 Obelix was here |
 Fireplace |
 Chimney |

 Mmh, is that high enough? |

 Only 3 hours of sleep |
 Harvey, Amir and Orly |
 Lunchtime |
 Should be enough for a pleasant evening |
 Amir's girlfriend owns a bar |
 Running away from the bulls |

 Group photo |
 Drying peppers |
 Living statue |
 I have no idea |
 Animals in the park |

 Dinner looking like lunch |
 Very good, wasn't hungry |
Saturday 16th:
We were told in advance that in the weekend there would be someone commentating, but I don't think anyone expected the following. Commentator Leontxo Garcia was doing a live (internet)radio broadcast during the games. His voice made me more sleepy and I had a real struggle to stay awake. Also 90% of his comments were in spanish, so we couldn't understand it, except for Johannes from Jonny who speaks the language. Stefan (Shredder) noticed that he mentioned the name Topalov a lot. But maybe topalov is spanish for good program. Although he mentioned also Carlsen and that sounds even less spanish. There also was a tournament in the room next door for children. They were amazed to see me do the cube so fast. I saw one girl of about 10. She took my cube and just turned one side and back again. So I scrambled it for her and mimed that she had to solve it. To my surprise she started turning pretty quickly and finished two rows within a minute. all this distraction was enough to make Jonny lose the game. When you are operating the best program, people will try to go a long way to beat you. Today I noticed some things that made me think there is a conspiracy against Rybka. It already started during the speedchesstournament, where I had to move after almost every round. They were obviously trying to wear me out. Today was even worse. Opponents Jonny and Shredder were able to lay their hands on a very big openingbook with lots of long lines, just to stay in book longer and win much time. Even David Levy is in on it. He promised the operators a bottle of wine for each table, knowing of course that I am the only one who doesn't drink. So I get the feeling they are clustering against Rybka. Well, it worked a little bit. Shredder was finally able to take half a point from Rybka. Last round is going to be exciting, unless Rybka wins from Hiarcs and Junior loses to Shredder in round 8. Because I was pretty tired and fed up with eating too much every day, I decided to skip the restaurant. I bought two small french breads and a packet of ham and ate in my hotelroom. Saves me some time, so I can sleep some more and hopefully be fit for tomorrow. If Harvey is in the breakfastroom before me (which would be the first time), I just know that all the croissants will be filled with sleepingpowder.
 Leontxo Garcia (but no audience) |
 Don't know her, but attracted more audience |
Sunday 17th:
Yesterday I totally forgot about one more member of the anti-Rybka gang. The cleaninglady. Every morning when I step into the shower, I notice that she put the thermostat for the watertemperature on 112 degrees Fahrenheit (50 Celsius). Some like it hot I guess, but I don't. After the shower I shaved and put on my best looking clothes. Last 2 rounds coming up, and I want to be a little bit presentable for the pictures with the trophy. First round of the day against Hiarcs and they immediately take first place. Or better said, Harvey takes first place. In the car that is. The shortest of the 4 of us sitting in the front seat. Not fair. I expected some firework in the game, Hiarcs needs to win, but instead of a fight, both programs agree to a quick draw by perpetual. Also Junior can't get the full point and now needs to win with the black pieces against Rybka in the next round. It is easier to throw a ninedarter. Harvey and I had to wait for the other guys to finish, so we had some time to observe the games. We noticed the big improvement the Equinox team had. A goodlooking girl sat next to them. For lunch we went to a restaurant, because the Bocadillobar around the corner is closed. The restaurant we picked out was in the cellar. First thing we notice is that the waiter forgot to put on some deoderant. I am glad I didn't say it out loud in his presence, because against all odds he spoke english and even a little bit of dutch. I managed to find something on the menu that didn't contain any of the many things I don't like. So in a good mood I headed back to the venue for the last confrontation against Junior. After a 20-move bookline, Rybka was very happy with the position. But Junior found some attack and both scores dropped/rised to 0.00. Although we couldn't see a repetition in the mainline. I went out to get some water and on the way back I saw Harvey typing in the MSN-window that I was using to communicate with the rest of the Rybka team. He wrote "Junior is failing high" (score is rising). They sent back a sad face, before I could tell them Harvey tried to be funny. It was still a draw, but Junior's contemptfactor (to avoid draws), made it deviate from a dead draw into a quickly lost position. Junior now ended on shared 2nd-4th place, but deserves the silver medal. During the round Leontxo Garcia was at it again with his radiobroadcast. Suddenly I hear "Rybka operator, Hans van der Zijden, Rubik's Cube, 6x6x6, applause. I am finally famous in Spain. After the games I found out that they hand out the trophy tomorrow, so I shaved for nothing and have to wear a less attractive poloshirt. In the restaurant We had a 3 course meal because we had coupons (2 for the price of one). I had some champagne lookalike to celebrate the victorie, the rest decided to go with whisky. Since I almost never drink, whenever I do, more than normal crazy stuff leave my mouth. So Harvey was very interested in my next report of the day. But I had to disappoint him. Back in the hotel I was too tired to write and decided to leave that for tomorrow.
Monday 18th + tuesday 19th:
After breakfast, that Johan missed because of a faulty alarmclock (yeah, right), Harvey and I said goodbye to Richard and Johan. We had booked for one more day in case of a playoff. Now there was none and the closing ceremony was scheduled at 13:30. That gave me time to do some writing. You should have seen the startled face of the cleaninglady when she noticed I hadn't gone yet. There was no sabotaging the shower this time. Since 3 programs ended on the 2nd place, it would have been nice to see a playoff between them. But it was decided to award all three of them with the silly hat for 2nd place. At least I wasn't the only one that had to wear it. After the ceremony I decided to look for a massageplace. Looking at a screen for a week can be hard for your neck. I found 2, but of course both were closed for siesta. How do they stay in business? Harvey and I decided to skip dinner. Both of us were not hungry (enough). I got some ham and croissants from the nearby Aldi and that was enough for me for the evening. Went to bed early, because I had to be awake at 5:30. The following morning I was tired getting up and that feeling didn't go away anymore. Even the navigation was tired. Harvey tried 4 timesto stick it to the window, but every time it laid itself down. Eventually Harvey let is to rest, but she still managed to give us the right directions to the airport. In the plane I wanted to buy a spycam disguised as a pen, but the flightattendant said she never saw one of those. They probably made them too good. It is so well hidden, you can't see it anymore. I decided to try again on the plane from London to Amsterdam. But because of a tailwind the flight was so short, that they didn't even bother trying to sell stuff. So it is not so easy yet. 18:45 and I am finally home greeted by two very happy cats. At 20:00 the red bulls finally kicked in and I could concentrate on working on this article. Hope you enjoyed it and see you next year.
 In two years no one was interested in this shop |
 Funny hat |
 Not the only one looking silly |
 Posing with all prizes |
 Me, Amir Ban, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen and Sjeng representative |
 Group photo with organizers |
 Silly hat close up |
I hope you enjoyed the report!
17th World Computer Chess Championship |
Nr. | Program | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Pts. |
1 | Rybka | * | 1 | = | 1 | = | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8.0 |
2 | Deep Sjeng | 0 | * | 1 | = | = | 1 | = | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6.5 |
3 | Shredder | = | = | * | = | = | = | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6.5 |
4 | Junior | 0 | = | = | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | = | 1 | 1 | 6.5 |
5 | Hiarcs | = | 0 | = | 0 | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6.0 |
6 | Jonny | 0 | 0 | = | 0 | 0 | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4.5 |
7 | The Baron | 0 | = | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | * | 1 | = | 1 | 3.0 |
8 | Equinox | 0 | 0 | 0 | = | 0 | 0 | 0 | * | = | 1 | 2.0 |
9 | Pandix 2009 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | = | = | * | = | 1.5 |
10 | Joker | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | = | * | 0.5 |
17th World Computer Chess Championship (Blitz) |
Nr. | Program | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Pts. |
1 | Rybka | * | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7.0 |
2 | Shredder | 0 | * | 1 | 1 | = | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6.5 |
3 | Deep Sjeng | 0 | 0 | * | = | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5.5 |
5 | Jonny | 1 | 0 | = | * | = | = | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5.5 |
6 | Hiarcs | 0 | = | 0 | = | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5.0 |
7 | Pandix | 0 | 0 | 0 | = | 0 | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3.5 |
8 | The Baron | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | * | 1 | 1 | 2.0 |
9 | Danasah | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | * | 1 | 1.0 |
10 | Joker | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | * | 0.0 |
14th Computer Olympiad |
Nr. | Program | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Pts. |
1 | Rybka | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5.0 |
2 | Shredder | 0 | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4.0 |
3 | Deep Sjeng | 0 | 0 | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3.0 |
4 | Pandix | 0 | 0 | 0 | * | 1 | = | 1.5 |
5 | Joker | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | * | 1 | 1.0 |
6 | Equinox | 0 | 0 | 0 | = | 0 | * | 0.5 |
Almena's blog (in Spanish, where the videos are from)
Short report by Vas
Game against Shredder from the Olympiad with comments
Official results for the World Computer Chess Championship
Official results for the World Computer Chess Championship (Blitz)
Official results for the Olympiad